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Cursor Rules for Project Context Management

By @kryptobaseddev


This repository contains a comprehensive .cursorrules file designed to enhance project management and development workflows when working with Cursor AI Agent. The rules are specifically crafted to maintain consistent project context and break down development tasks into manageable, trackable units.

Core Concepts

ProjectDocs Structure

├── Build_Notes/
│   ├── active/          # Current build notes
│   ├── completed/       # Finished build notes
│   └── archived/        # Deprecated build notes
└── contexts/
    ├──    # Master project context
    ├──          # Application flow documentation
    ├──         # Authentication flow documentation
    └── ...                 # Additional context files

Key Features

  • Build Notes Management: Systematic approach to tracking development progress
  • Context Awareness: Maintains project context to reduce AI hallucinations
  • Task Organization: Breaks down complex tasks into manageable units
  • Progress Tracking: Clear system for monitoring task completion
  • Documentation Standards: Consistent formatting and organization

Technical Standards

Code Quality & Style

  • Maximum file size of 150 lines; refactor into smaller modules if exceeded
  • Functional, declarative programming approach (avoid OOP and classes)
  • Semantic variable naming with auxiliary verbs (e.g., isLoading, hasError)
  • Lowercase with dashes for directories and files
  • DRY (Don't Repeat Yourself) principles
  • Regular code reviews and refactoring sessions

Stack & Framework Conventions

  • Next.js 15+ with App Router and React Server Components (RSC)
  • Zustand for state management in client components
  • Shadcn UI management using npx shadcn@latest add
  • Mobile-first approach and responsive design
  • Emphasis on server-side logic
  • Progressive Web App (PWA) structure

Project Structure

├── app/
│   ├── (auth)/           # Auth-related routes/pages
│   ├── (dashboard)/      # Dashboard routes/pages
│   ├── api/              # API routes
│   └── layout.tsx        # Root layout
├── components/
│   ├── shared/           # Shared UI components
│   ├── features/         # Feature-specific components
│   └── ui/               # Shadcn UI components
├── lib/
│   ├── supabase/         # Supabase client and utilities
│   ├── constants/        # Global constants
│   ├── hooks/            # Custom React hooks
│   ├── middleware/       # Custom middleware
│   └── utils/           # Shared utility functions
└── ...


  1. Initial Setup:

    • Create a ProjectDocs folder in your project root
    • Add the contexts folder with at least a file
    • Set up the Build_Notes directory structure
  2. Context Files:

    • Start with containing:
      • Project goals and objectives
      • Tech stack details
      • Integration specifications
      • Architecture overview
    • Add additional context files as needed (e.g.,,
  3. Build Notes:

    • Create individual build note files for specific task groups
    • Follow the naming convention:
    • Include task objectives, current state, future state, and implementation plans
  4. Best Practices:

    • Create separate Cursor Agent chats for each build note
    • Keep context files updated but stable
    • Move completed build notes to the appropriate directory
    • Reference specific context files when working with the Agent

Build Notes Structure

Each build note should include:

  1. Task Objective: Brief summary of goals
  2. Current State Assessment: Description of current project state
  3. Future State Goal: Description of desired outcome
  4. Implementation Plan: Numbered steps with checklist tasks
    • Update as tasks are completed
    • Line out non-applicable tasks (never delete)
    • Add new steps/tasks as needed

Development Standards

Error Handling & Validation

  • Handle errors at function start with guard clauses
  • Use if-return patterns to reduce nesting
  • Implement Zod for schema validation
  • Use react-hook-form with useActionState
  • Implement proper error logging and user-friendly messages

State Management & Data Fetching

  • Prefer React Server Components for data fetching
  • Use Supabase for real-time data
  • Implement preload patterns
  • Use Vercel KV for chat history and rate limiting

Testing & Quality Assurance

  • Unit tests for utilities and hooks
  • Integration tests for complex components
  • End-to-end tests for critical flows
  • Local Supabase testing
  • Maintain minimum test coverage


  • Reduces AI hallucinations through consistent context
  • Improves project organization and documentation
  • Enhances team collaboration and knowledge sharing
  • Maintains development focus and progress tracking
  • Provides clear project history and decision documentation


The .cursorrules file can be customized to match your project's specific needs:

  • Modify the project structure to match your workflow
  • Adjust coding standards and conventions
  • Update documentation requirements
  • Add project-specific rules and guidelines

Getting Started

  1. Copy the .cursorrules file to your project
  2. Set up the ProjectDocs directory structure
  3. Create your initial
  4. Begin creating build notes for your tasks


Feel free to fork and modify these rules for your own projects. Contributions and improvements are welcome through pull requests.


MIT License - Feel free to use and modify for your projects.

Created by @kryptobaseddev

.cursorrules Content

## Key Principles

- **Code Quality & Style**
  - Write concise, maintainable, and strongly typed code with accurate TypeScript implementations.
  - Embrace functional, declarative programming. Avoid OOP and classes.
  - Limit files to a maximum of 150 lines; refactor into smaller modules if exceeded.
  - Prefer iteration and modularization over duplication.
  - Use descriptive, semantic variable names with auxiliary verbs (e.g., `isLoading`, `hasError`).
  - Use lowercase with dashes for directories and files (e.g., `components/auth-wizard`).
  - Favor named exports for components.
  - Adopt RORO (Receive an Object, Return an Object) for function parameters/returns.
  - Always attain to use DRY (Don't Repeat Yourself) principles.
  - Conduct regular code reviews and frequent refactoring sessions to ensure consistency and quality.
  - Check and improve Web Vitals (LCP, CLS, FID) to maintain performance and user experience.

- **Create 'Build Notes':**
  - You must create a 'Build Notes' file for each task group to track the progress of the task group we work on.
  - **Clarity & Brevity:** Keep notes concise, direct, and focused on the task at hand.  
  - **Logical Naming:** Use a consistent naming convention that ties each notes file to a specific task and date.  
  - **Incremental Updates:** Update notes as plans evolve or tasks are completed. Append rather than overwrite.  
  - **Traceability:** Ensure that each decision or change in approach is recorded and easy to follow.

- **Review 'Project Contexts':**
  - You must review the `` as we need to ensure that the project context is up to date and accurate.
  - **Stability:** Treat context files as stable references, not daily scratchpads.  
  - **Selective Updates:** Update context files only when there are significant, approved changes to requirements or project scope.  
  - **Accessibility:** Make context files easily understandable and organized so future developers can quickly grasp the project’s core guidance.

- **Stack and Framework Conventions**
  - Target **Next.js 15+** and leverage the App Router, React Server Components (RSC), and SSR capabilities.
  - Use Zustand for state management in client components when necessary.
  - Maintain proper Shadcn UI management using `npx shadcn@latest add` for new components.
  - Follow a mobile-first approach and responsive design patterns.
  - Emphasize server-side logic, minimizing the usage of `use client` and other client-only APIs.
  - Structure project as Progressive Web App (PWA) with offline capabilities, app-like experience, and installability across devices.

- **Monorepo & Tooling**
  - If using a monorepo structure, place shared code in a `packages/` directory and app-specific code in `app/`.
  - Use `Taskfile.yml` commands for development, testing, and deployment tasks.
  - Keep environment variables and sensitive data outside of code and access them through `.env` files or similar configuration.

Below is a structured guideline to provide to the AI development agent, incorporating key principles and detailed rules for maintaining the `/ProjectDocs/Build_Notes/` and `/ProjectDocs/contexts/` directories.


### Rules for Build Notes Files

1. **Location & Naming:**  
   - Store all notes files in `/ProjectDocs/Build_Notes/`.  
   - Use a logical, descriptive naming convention, e.g., ``.
   - Use the `<build-title>` to describe the build task.
   - Use the `<phase-#>` to apply the Phase # to the build task.
   - Use the `<task-group-name>` to describe the task group name.
   - Example: ``
       - `supabase-schema-standardization` is the build title
       - `phase-1` is the phase number
       - `preparation-and-code-analysis` is the task group name

2. **Content Structure:**  
   - Begin with a brief **Task Objective** that summarizes what you aim to achieve.  
   - Provide **Current State Assessment**: a short description of the current state of the project pertaining to the build tasks.
   - Provide **Future State Goal**: a short description of the future state of the project pertaining to the build tasks.
   - Follow with a **Implementation Plan**: a numbered list of **steps** containing checklist **tasks** to achieve the future state.
   - Update the **Implementation Plan** as tasks are completed and line out not applicable tasks. NEVER DELETE TASKS FROM THE PLAN.
   - If the plan changes or evolves, add new **steps** or **tasks**, rather than overwriting previous content.

3. **When to Update:**  
   - **At Task Start:** Create or open the task-specific notes file and record the initial plan before coding.  
   - **During Task Execution:** Add updates when plans change, difficulties arise, or new insights emerge.  
   - **At Task Completion:** Append a summary of what was done and verify it aligns with the original objective.

4. **Style & Tone:**  
   - Keep notes succinct, on-topic, and free of unrelated commentary.  
   - Maintain a logical sequence so that future readers can understand the decision-making process without confusion.

5. **Completion of Build Notes:**
   - Once the build notes are complete, move the file to the `/ProjectDocs/Build_Notes/completed/` directory.
   - If build notes are deprecated and no longer needed, move the file to the `/ProjectDocs/Build_Notes/archived/` directory.


### Rules for Context Files

1. **Master Project Context (``):**  
   - Located in `/ProjectDocs/contexts/`.  
   - Provides the overarching project scope, requirements, and design principles.  
   - Only update this file if there are major changes to the project’s fundamental direction or scope.

2. **Additional Context Files:**  
   - Supplementary files (e.g., ``, ``) may be created for more detailed specifications on certain functionalities, designs, or areas of the application.  
   - Keep these files stable. Update them only when new, approved changes need to be documented.  
   - Reference these files frequently to ensure development aligns with established guidelines.

3. **Change Management:**  
   - Record any changes to context files within the corresponding build notes file for that task.  
   - Maintain a clear rationale for context changes to preserve transparency and alignment with the core project goals.


## Project Structure

Adopt a clear, modular directory structure:

├── app/ │ ├── (auth)/ # Auth-related routes/pages │ ├── (dashboard)/ # Dashboard routes/pages │ ├── api/ # API routes │ └── layout.tsx # Root layout ├── components/ │ ├── shared/ # Shared, reusable UI components │ │ ├── buttons/ │ │ ├── forms/ │ │ └── layout/ │ ├── features/ # Feature-specific components │ │ ├── auth/ │ │ └── dashboard/ │ └── ui/ # Shadcn UI components ├── lib/ │ ├── supabase/ # Supabase client and utilities │ │ ├── current/ # Current schema and types │ │ └── domain/ # Domain-specific schema and types │ │ ├── user/ # User domain schema and types │ │ │ ├── index.ts # Exports all supabase utilities │ │ │ ├── queries.ts # Supabase queries │ │ │ ├── services.ts # Supabase services │ │ │ └── types.ts # Supabase types │ │ ├── roles/ # Roles domain schema and types │ │ └── ... # Add more domains as needed │ ├── constants/ # Global constants and configuration │ │ ├── auth/ # Authentication constants │ │ └── ui/ # UI constants │ ├── hooks/ # Custom React hooks │ │ ├── useAuth/ # Authentication hooks │ │ └── useUI/ # UI hooks │ ├── middleware/ # Custom middleware │ │ ├── auth/ # Authentication middleware │ │ ├── rbac/ # Role-based access control middleware │ │ └── ui/ # UI middleware │ └── utils/ # Shared utility functions ├── public/ # Static assets ├── services/ # Business logic and data-fetching services ├── types/ # Global TypeScript types and interfaces └── config/ # Configuration files (env, tailwind, etc.)

**Naming & Organization:**
- Use semantic, descriptive names.
- Keep file names lowercase with dashes.
- Use `feature/`, `bugfix/`, `hotfix/`, `refactor/`, `docs/` prefixes for branches.
- Export from `index.ts` files in feature directories for cleaner imports.


## JavaScript/TypeScript Standards

- Use TypeScript everywhere. Prefer `interface` for public-facing contracts.
- Use `function` keyword for defining components and pure functions (avoid arrow functions for components).
- Omit semicolons for a cleaner look.
- Maintain a logical file order:
  1. Exported component
  2. Subcomponents
  3. Helpers/internal utilities
  4. Static content/constants
  5. Types and interfaces at the bottom
- Write concise conditionals:
  - Avoid unnecessary braces in single-line conditionals.
  - Use early returns to handle edge cases and errors upfront.
- Model expected errors as return values instead of using exceptions in server actions.


function formatInput({ input }: { input: string }) {
  if (!input) return null
  return input.trim()

Error Handling, Validation, and Services

  • Handle errors at the start of functions with guard clauses and early returns.
  • Keep the “happy path” visible at the bottom of the function.
  • Avoid else statements by using if-return patterns to reduce nesting.
  • Use Zod for schema validation and form validation.
  • Use react-hook-form with useActionState to manage form state and submission flows.
  • In services/ directories, always throw user-friendly errors that can be caught upstream and displayed to the user.
  • Implement proper error logging and user-friendly messages.
  • Employ error boundaries (error.tsx, global-error.tsx) for unexpected errors.
  • Use next-safe-action for secure and type-safe server actions.

AI Integration

  • Use the Vercel AI SDK UI and Core to implement streaming chat and AI-driven features.
  • Handle rate limiting, quota, and model availability gracefully.
  • Implement fallback logic if AI models are unavailable.
  • Sanitize user inputs before sending them to the AI.
  • Store API keys and sensitive information in environment variables.
  • Provide clear, user-friendly error messages in case of AI service failures.

React/Next.js Component Development

  • Functional Components: Use function declarations and TypeScript interfaces for props.
  • Minimal Props & Composition: Keep components small, focused, and composed of reusable subcomponents.
  • Server Components First: Prefer React Server Components and SSR data fetching to minimize client overhead.
  • Zustand for State: Use Zustand for complex local state if necessary, ensuring minimal use client usage.
  • Client Components: Only use use client for components that require browser APIs or local user interaction.
  • Responsive Design: Use Tailwind CSS utility classes, with a mobile-first approach.
  • UI Libraries: Use Shadcn UI and Radix UI for base components and interactions.
  • Static Content & Types: Place static text, constants, and types at the end of each file.
  • Dynamic Loading: Dynamically import non-critical components to improve initial load times.
  • Optimize Images: Use WebP format, appropriate sizing, and lazy loading for images.

Supabase, Database, and GraphQL

  • Schema Management: Keep schema.sql updated regularly with the latest schema changes.
  • Types Management: Keep database.types.ts updated regularly with the latest schema changes.
  • Migrations: Use Supabase CLI for local development and database migrations. Test all changes before staging/production.
  • RLS & RBAC: Implement Row Level Security and role-based access control. Assign default roles in handle_new_user functions.
  • CRUD-based Policies: Follow INSERT, UPDATE, SELECT, DELETE policies and document them.
  • Enum Tables: Use enum tables for predefined values.
  • Relationships: Document all table relationships and data flows.
  • Genql: Use Genql for type-safe GraphQL queries against Supabase. Fetch only necessary data.

Example user creation:

async function handleNewUser({ userId, email }: { userId: string; email: string }) {
  const defaultRole = await getDefaultRole()
  await supabase.from('profiles').insert({
    id: userId,
    created_at: new Date().toISOString(),

Version Control and Workflow

  • Branch Naming: feature/, bugfix/, hotfix/, refactor/, docs/.
  • Commit Messages: Use type(scope): description format. Common types: feat, fix, docs, style, refactor, test, chore.
  • Pull Requests: Use PR templates with a summary, change type, testing steps, and any database changes noted.
  • Schema Updates: Update schema.sql and commit the changes after each migration.
  • Testing Before PR: Always test changes locally before submitting PRs.

Data Fetching and State Management

  • RSC for Data: Use React Server Components for data fetching whenever possible.
  • Preload Pattern: Implement preload patterns to avoid waterfall requests.
  • Supabase for Real-Time: Use Supabase subscriptions for real-time data and SSR-friendly data access.
  • Zustand: Manage local state in isolated client components when needed.
  • Vercel KV: Use Vercel KV for chat history, rate limiting, and ephemeral storage.
  • SSR & Minimize ‘use client’: Prefer SSR and server actions. Only use use client for browser-based interactions.

Testing and Quality Assurance

  • Unit Tests: Write unit tests for utilities, hooks, and business logic.
  • Integration Tests: Test complex components, pages, and features in isolation.
  • End-to-End Tests: Validate critical flows (login, checkout) end-to-end.
  • Local DB Testing: Use Supabase local development for realistic database tests.
  • Coverage: Maintain a minimum test coverage threshold for PR merges.

Styling and Accessibility

  • Tailwind CSS: Use utility classes with a mobile-first responsive approach.
  • CVA for Variants: Employ Class Variance Authority for component variants and theme consistency.
  • Radix UI: Utilize Radix primitives for accessible UI patterns.
  • ARIA & WCAG: Ensure proper ARIA labels, roles, and adhere to WCAG guidelines for color contrast and keyboard navigation.
  • Shadcn UI: Leverage shadcn UI components for design consistency and speed.


  • Comments & JSDoc: Comment complex logic and use JSDoc for functions and components.
  • Readmes: Keep README files updated with setup, instructions, and architectural details.
  • API & DB Docs: Document all API endpoints, RLS policies, and database schema.
  • Edge Functions: Document Supabase Edge Functions and their intended usage.
  • Setup Instructions: Keep environment configuration and setup steps current for onboarding developers.


  • Regularly check file sizes; refactor when needed.
  • Maintain separation of concerns and modular design.
  • Reuse components and keep them composable and testable.
  • Always test locally before pushing changes.
  • Ensure proper error handling, user-friendly messages, and accessible interfaces.

Released under the MIT License.