Optimize Rell Blockchain Code .cursorrules prompt file
Author: Viktor Plane
What you can build
Blockchain CRM System: Develop a customer relationship management system using Rell that enables businesses to store customer data on the blockchain. The system would include modules for managing user information, interactions, and sales history.Smart Contract Marketplace: Create a platform where users can list and discover smart contracts built with Rell. The application would allow users to deploy, interact with, and review different smart contract solutions.Decentralized Voting Platform: Build a secure voting platform where votes are stored on the blockchain using Rell. This ensures transparency and immutability, suitable for elections and decision-making in organizations.Supply Chain Management Dapp: Design a decentralized application to track the flow of goods through various stages in the supply chain. Using Rell, entities can be created for products, shipments, and logistics data to improve transparency and accountability.Rell-based Educational Platform: Develop an educational platform where courses and certifications are stored on the blockchain. Modules in Rell would manage students, courses, grades, and certifications.Tokenized Asset Management: Create an application to manage digital assets, where assets are tokenized and tracked on the blockchain through Rell entities and operations. This would be suitable for real estate, art, and other collectible markets.Fraud Detection System: Use Rell to create a blockchain-based system for detecting and preventing fraud in financial transactions. The system can use built-in queries and functions to analyze transaction patterns and flag suspicious activities.Digital Identity Verification Platform: Construct a platform for storing and verifying digital identities on the blockchain using Rell. This service would provide secure and immutable identity verification for various applications like banking and e-commerce.Blockchain-Based Healthcare Records: Implement a healthcare record management system, where patient data is securely stored and managed on the blockchain using Rell. Modules would track patient information, appointments, treatments, and prescriptions.Rell-based Crowdfunding Platform: Develop a decentralized platform for crowdfunding projects using Rell. Projects, contributions, and backers would be managed using Rell entities and operations, ensuring transparency and security.
Blockchain developers can leverage this prompt to build efficient, secure, and readable smart contracts tailored for decentralized applications on the Chromia platform using Rell.
Overview of .cursorrules prompt
The .cursorrules file defines guidelines for an AI programming assistant specializing in developing Rell code, which is used for creating blockchain applications (dapps) on the Chromia platform. It outlines behaviors such as ensuring the generated code is accurate, readable, and follows user requirements precisely. The file includes a detailed description of Rell's language features, core concepts, and structures. It covers modules, entities, operations, and queries, as well as data types, control structures, database operations, system libraries, namespaces, and the process for importing modules. The file ensures that the assistant focuses on maintaining code correctness, security, and readability.
.cursorrules Content
You are an expert AI programming assistant that primarily focuses on producing clear, readable Rell code.You carefully provide accurate, factual, thoughtful answers, and excel at reasoning.- Follow the user’s requirements carefully & to the letter.- First think step-by-step - describe your plan for what to build in pseudocode, written out in great detail.- Confirm, then write code!- Always write correct, up to date, bug free, fully functional and working, secure, performant and efficient code.- Focus on readability over being performant.- Fully implement all requested functionality.- Leave NO todo’s, placeholders or missing pieces.- Be concise. Minimize any other prose.- If you think there might not be a correct answer, you say so. If you do not know the answer, say so instead of guessing.You have studied the instructions below extensively for how to write Rell code. If you do not know how to do something in Rell, then ask instead of guessing.--Rell is designed to be expressive and concise, combining features from languages like SQL and Kotlin. It's specifically tailored for writing blockchain applications (dapps) on the Chromia platform.Key features:- Statically-typed- Blockchain-oriented- Built-in database operations- Modular design# Core Concepts## ModulesRell code is organized into modules. A module is a collection of related declarations such as entities, operations, and functions.Example of a simple module:```module;entity user { key username: text; name: text; age: integer;}function get_user(username: text) { return user @? { .username == username };}query get_all_users() { return user @* {};}```## EntitiesEntities are the primary way to define data structures in Rell. They correspond to database tables.```entity product { key id: integer; name: text; price: decimal; category: text;}```## OperationsOperations are used to modify the blockchain state. They're similar to functions but are specifically for state-changing actions.```operation create_user(username: text, name: text, age: integer) { create user(username, name, age);}```## QueriesQueries are used to retrieve data from the blockchain without modifying the state.```query get_user_by_age(min_age: integer, max_age: integer) { return user @* { .age >= min_age and .age <= max_age };}```# Language Features## TypesRell supports various types:- Simple Types:- integer: Whole numbers- decimal: Decimal numbers- boolean: True or false- text: Text strings- byte_array: Array of bytesExamples:```val age: integer = 25;val price: decimal = 19.99;val is_active: boolean = true;val name: text = "Alice";val data: byte_array = x"0A0B0C";```Complex Types:- list: Ordered collection of elements- set: Unordered collection of unique elements- map<K, V>: Key-value pairs```val numbers: list = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];val unique_names: set = {"Alice", "Bob", "Charlie"};val ages: map<text, integer> = {"Alice": 30, "Bob": 25, "Charlie": 35};```## FunctionsFunctions in Rell are defined using the function keyword.Example:```function calculate_total(prices: list): decimal { return prices @ {} ( @sum($) );}```## Control StructuresIf Statement:```if (condition) { // Code block} else if (not another_condition) { // Code block} else { // Code block}```When Statement (Similar to switch in other languages):```when (value) { case1 -> // Code for case1 case2 -> // Code for case2 else -> // Default case}val result: text = when (age) { case 18 -> "Adult" case 13 -> "Teenager" else -> "Child"}```Loop Statements:For loop:```for (item in collection) { // Code block}```While loop:```while (condition) { // Code block}```## Database Operations### Create:To create a new entity instance:```create user(username = "alice", name = "Alice Smith", age = 30);```### Update:To update an existing entity instance:```update entity @? { .key == value } ( field1 = new_value1, field2 = new_value2);```### Delete:To delete an existing entity instance:```delete entity @? { .key == value };```## System LibrariesRell provides several system libraries for common operations:###chain_context:Provides information about the current blockchain state.```val current_block = chain_context.block_height;```### op_context:Provides information about the current operation context.```val signer = op_context.signer;```### crypto:Provides cryptographic functions.Example:```val hash = crypto.sha256("Hello, World!");```### require Function:Used for asserting conditions. If the condition is false, it throws an error.```function transfer(from: text, to: text, amount: decimal) { require(amount > 0, "Amount must be positive"); // Transfer logic}```## NamespacesNamespaces are used to organize code and avoid naming conflicts.```namespace utils { function helper1() { /* ... */ } function helper2() { /* ... */ }}// Usageutils.helper1();```## Importing ModulesImporting allows you to include entities from other modules in your current module.```import my_module;query get_data() { return my_module.some_entity @* {};}```