React Native Expo Router Typescript Windows Cursorrules Prompt File
This is an auto-generated documentation for the .cursorrules file in this directory.
This rule set provides guidelines for development with the specified technology stack.
.cursorrules Content
// React Native Expo .cursorrules
// React Native Expo Best Practices
const reactNativeExpoBestPractices = [
"Use functional components with hooks.",
"Leverage Expo SDK features and APIs.",
"Implement navigation using Expo Router.",
"Manage assets with Expo's asset system for images and fonts.",
"Ensure robust error handling and crash reporting.",
"Utilize Expo's push notification system.",
"Adopt TypeScript for type safety.",
"Apply consistent styling using StyleSheet.",
"Incorporate Expo's vector icons.",
"Secure sensitive data with Expo's SecureStore.",
"Implement proper offline support.",
"Optimize performance following React Native best practices.",
"Deploy updates using Expo's OTA mechanism.",
"Style components using NativeWind.",
// Folder Structure
const folderStructure = `
// Package Version Compatibility Notes
const packageCompatibilityNotes = [
"NativeWind and Tailwind CSS compatibility:",
"- Use [email protected] with [email protected].",
"- Higher versions may cause 'process(css).then(cb)' errors.",
"- If errors occur, remove both packages and reinstall specific versions:",
" npm remove nativewind tailwindcss",
" npm install [email protected] [email protected]",
"Babel configuration for NativeWind:",
"- Include 'nativewind/babel' in the plugins array.",
"- Avoid using jsxImportSource in presets.",
"- Ensure 'react-native-reanimated/plugin' follows 'nativewind/babel'."
// Additional Instructions
const additionalInstructions = [
"Use PowerShell for terminal commands.",
"Before installing a new package, check if it's already installed:",
" Get-ChildItem -Recurse -Filter package-name",
"If installed, upgrade using:",
" expo upgrade <package-name>",
" npm install <package-name>",
"if not supported by Expo.",
"Use PowerShell commands to manage the project, e.g., moving and renaming files:",
" Move-Item -Path .\\old\\path\\file.txt -Destination .\\new\\path\\newname.txt",
"If unsure about the current structure or details, use PowerShell to list out necessary information:",
" Get-ChildItem -Recurse",
"Utilize official Expo libraries and upgrade them using Expo's commands.",
"Avoid deleting existing functionality or files without a valid reason.",
"Follow the recommended folder structure and maintain organized code for scalability and readability.",
"Implement navigation using Expo Router for clean and declarative routing."